Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Droid is on Instagram now. That'll make things either more complex or spice it up.

Seriously though. The iPhone apps are amazing...
I created this all on my iPhone!

I feel a little ashamed that this is my first post in almost a year.. but whatever gets you motivated right?! Im really thankful for instagram because it creates another platform for designers to be discovered and share your world. There really are so many talented people in this world.. (I get a little jealous sometimes). Sitting 5 days a week in my office cubicle, I honestly feel that my creativity is being sucked away. I'm not doing all my hopes and dreams where I am currently employed and I certainly haven't really helped the situation by just gripping and moaning without really doing much about it. So using instagram is like a little breath of fresh air. Unfortunately, it's beginning to get cluttered with pretty crappy images as well as some stolen ones.. but I guess thats what people do.

Follow me @yoophoric on instagram :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Adventure Time!

Going off to my new adventure in California very soon! (tomorrow) It'll be my first time too :)

I'm heading to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego. So i'll be MIA for the next 2 weeks.
Hope everyone is having an amazing summer (unless it's winter wherever you are).

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Oh Yoo Yoo and Yoo....

So if you google Jane Yoo, there are ALOT of us. In particular, there is a bag designer named Jane Yoo and her line is called Jane Yoo Leather Handbags or Jane Yoo Wearable Art. She doesn't have a real website that I know of or contact information about her so when her customers have an issue or a question... they find my website and email me instead. Some even send me very lengthy emails about how they love the bags, or how much their mother/grandmother/daughter love the bags etc and would love to have them repaired. I feel really bad just not answering them so, of course, I email them back.

It really wouldn't be a problem, expect that I get emails for her about.. 2-5 times a month. I have no way of contacting her myself so I have to tell these women that I can not assist them.. ugh. I think thats quite a lot, if I had costumers that had questions or w/e I would want to have them be able to contact me and/or my department. if you calculate, it's about 60 people a year.

Anyway.. I just wanted to rant a bit and perhaps deter anyone else from emailing me about her bags if, bychance, they read this first.

Do you have any issues with someone who has your name?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Clay work

some of my clay pieces from college
I love seeing what a clump of cold clay can turn out to be.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Solstice

Officially summer :) Hope everyone had their fill on a full ray of sunshine today!

Done for the 15 minute exercise. 

Stroll Around your Neighborhood

I believe that every neighborhood has their own special beauty and charm. Living in Brooklyn, it DEF. had it's own style and pizazz. For a school assignment, we were to shoot photos of an environmental space and create them into a magazine story. I chose the walk between the Pratt campus, to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. These were some of my results:

Monday, June 20, 2011

Artist Feature

Sharing is caring!

Design for Mankind is one of my favorite blogs (as I'm sure it is for many of you out there)!
Erin Loechner always has amazing artists to share.

{via here}

One of her latest Artist Features:
By Artist: Fred Butler

By Artists: Kristina Sostarko + Jason Odd

Love Love Love. I just love the colors and the shapes.
You know you'll always find a burst of inspiration so if you haven't already, check out the blog!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hipster Town

Williamsburg in NY is a pretty neat area to go to. During my college days, friends and I sometimes went there for restaurants, clubs, bars, shopping, or just to walk around. There are a ton of art galleries or just random art on the street. We also took loads of playful pictures.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Quick as a Fox

I  actually did this vector a long time ago but I thought I would share it.
It isn't being used anywhere yet but I've been getting some great ideas..

I was sorta reminded of the fox vector when I was watching Home Movies with their use of shadows. I thought it was simple and clever.

{captured via my iphone}

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Harry Potter Me

Hope Everyone in the USA had a fabulous Memorial Weekend :)


(Honestly.. I don't really spoil much of the book and if I did.. shame on you for not reading them!)

The LAST movie of Harry Potter is coming out pretty soon... I feel soo many emotions about this. I'm gonna be honest by saying that I did get into Harry Potter BECAUSE I saw the first Movie in theater. But (of course) after reading the 3rd Book, I was completely hooked with the series. Sirus became my favorite character, which is why the 5th book literally tore my heart out. The 7th book.. LA LA LA, lets just say most of it didn't happen. Oh JK Rowling...

Anyway I thought I would share an oldie but a goodie poster I did during school. Assignment was to simply depict your favorite quote on a poster size of 18x24. Being who I am, (complete Harry Potter nerd) I chose the following:

"Happiness can be found even in the Darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the Light." --Albus Dumbledore.

One of my favorite quotes of the series... I think its pretty self-explanatory. :)

What is your favorite Harry Potter Quote?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day Everyone!

Friends and I are going on vacation to the OBX for the whole weekend so I wanted to post this before heading out!

Photo above was taken at Green Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, NY. These are the grave of where Civil War Vets. It's a pretty incredible landmark and if your ever near that area, I would definitely check it out! They have alot of activities for Memorial Weekend too.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Current Project

Cardinal process step 1


I'm going to OBX with a couple of friends for memorial and I'm really sad that the forecast is showing thunderstorms all weekend… really sucks. We were planning on parasailing too… hopefully it's wrong or at least during the evening.

Another sad situation is that my harddrive lost half a years work from my junior year….
this is currently all I can see at the moment from my files:

But you know, they sorta look cool and intentional with their vivid colors and patterns.
I think this might be leading to something :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


{captured via my iphone}

Ha! I love this show… I do miss Chowder though. I was really sad to see it go. The animation was soo sweet. 
Adventure Time (image above) isn't so bad though. I think it's really funny that the Rainbow Unicorn speaks only korean throughout the show. 
Just wanted to share this because of the awesome color palette. :)

Perhaps some more!?







Camilla Ã…krans » Vogue Spain » 3


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fall into Spring

Beautiful maple tree in front of my yard. Doesn't it have the feeling of Fall rather than Spring :)